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The University of Wisconsin-欧克莱尔's chemistry, ACS认证课程是为有兴趣从事执业化学家或科学研究事业的学生设计的. 该专业获得了美国化学学会(ACS)的认证,毕业生可以立即在政府或工业实验室工作,也可以进入研究生院.

Rooted in undergraduate research, 化学, ACS认证专业提供了无数的实验和发现的机会. In addition to research-embedded curriculum, 系里的老师会定期邀请你参加他们最新的研究项目,或者鼓励你自己开始. 这些独特的机会使您能够使用令人印象深刻的现代仪器阵列, 与梅奥诊所健康系统等知名组织的专家合作撰写稿件.

整个专业的课程包括化学的核心课程, physics and mathematics, with a variety of chemistry electives to choose from. Course topics include chemical analysis, inorganic compounds and reactions, 力学, 生物化学基础和物质物理性质的定量研究. 一个必要的顶点强化基本概念,并将提高你的技术写作和实验技能.

Whether you're headed to graduate school or to jobs in industry, you'll leave UW-Eau克莱尔 ready to hit the ground running. This major offers excellent preparation for graduate students, as well as immediate employment in a wide range of industries, including health care, 药品, 农业, nutrition and much more. Real-world experience, exceptional career preparation, 令人印象深刻的技术和沟通技巧使我们的毕业生脱颖而出,并使他们在任何领域都出类拔萃. 

Why chemistry, ACS认证 at UW-Eau克莱尔?

Innovative instruments and facilities. 威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的化学系拥有一套全面的最先进的化学分析仪器,您可以直接使用它. Here you can master a number of specialized research instruments, including an X-ray diffractometer, an optical cryostat, 一个喷气冷却扩展系统和一个超级计算集群(BGSC)——一个高性能计算系统,提供与大多数主要研究机构相同(或更高)的可用资源. You'll also be able to use specialized laboratories, including a laser spectroscopy lab, a low-temperature spectroscopy lab, a computational lab and a thermal analysis lab. 

Research opportunities. 化学系在本科生和教师之间建立富有成效的合作研究伙伴关系方面有着悠久的传统. 这些经历经常导致在同行评议的期刊上发表论文,并在区域会议上发表演讲, national and international meetings. 之前的研究项目包括手机上的LC显示屏的自我修复, 电视和监视器屏幕上的粘蛋白肽,以及它们如何被用作对抗某些癌症的抗原.

Exceptional career preparation. As a chemistry major, you'll find countless internships, 研讨会, 讲座和国家资助的暑期研究机会为您提供. These experiences allow you to explore career paths, 获得宝贵的职业经验,并与化工行业的专家一起工作. 一系列由教师和来自行业的演讲者的讲座将向您介绍各种化学和相关行业,以及职业机会和他们的资格. Participating companies have included organizations like Univar, 伊科尔, Hydrite化学, 3M, Boston Scientific and Nestle USA.

Award-winning, dedicated faculty. While at UW-Eau克莱尔, 您将从拥有丰富的化学知识和激情的专家教师那里学习. 我们的教授在支持和指导学生方面获得了国家的认可, 目前拥有16项专利,孜孜不倦地为学生创造高影响力的学习机会. 事实上, over the last six years, 化学系已经引进了200多万美元的外部资助资金, directly benefiting 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 chemistry majors. 

ACS认证. This degree is proudly certified by the American Chemical Society, which speaks to the quality of the program. 认证学位课程的额外严格性和额外要求——包括课程的广度和深度, the qualifications of the faculty, the campus facilities, 该系的仪器和学生进行有意义的研究的机会,受到潜在雇主和研究生院的高度重视.


or continuing education after graduation

2021-2022 Graduate Report


化学, ACS认证 program details
  • Program length: four years
  • Offered: in person
  • Campus: 欧克莱尔
  • This major does not require a minor.
  • 主修该课程的学生可以选择文学学士(BA)或理学学士(BS)学位.
Student organizations
  • American Chemical Society-Student Affiliate (ACS-SA)
  • Materials Research Society
  • Women and Gender Minorities in STEM

认证 information


What can I do with a chemistry, ACS认证 degree from 澳门葡京网赌送彩金?

威斯康星大学欧克莱尔化学系是全国公认的顶级本科化学系之一. So it's no surprise our graduates are doing big things. 从在梅奥诊所(Mayo Clinic)担任研究技术人员,到在3M公司(3M)提高产量,再到在贝瑞全球(Berry Global)担任出色的实验室技术人员, 我们的毕业生继续在全国各地的知名机构工作. 

SI Leader 杰斯厄布洛德

我选择威斯康星大学欧克莱尔分校的原因之一是这里的研究机会非常惊人. 这超出了初级本科院校的正常水平, and the chem department's choices for research is uncanny. 你可以选择从无机到p化学到有机合成再到荧光. 我很喜欢. 这将是我对即将入学的学生最大的建议之一.

杰斯厄布洛德 化学, ACS Certified

化学, ACS认证 bachelor's degree program curriculum

Curriculum throughout 化学, ACS认证课程为学生在研究生课程和/或政府或工业实验室的职业生涯中有效和专业地发挥作用做好准备. 各种各样的选修课可以让你个性化你的教育,学习你最感兴趣的主题. 

What classes do chemistry, ACS认证 majors take?

Your classes may cover topics like: 

学习 more about the 综合化学,澳门葡京网赌送彩金课程目录中ACS认证专业.

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Thinking about a bachelor’s degree in chemistry? Here are other programs you may be interested in exploring.

Department information

Students work in a lab

化学 and Biochemistry

Phillips Science Hall 430
101 Roosevelt Avenue
欧克莱尔, WI 54701
访问 the 化学 and Biochemistry department website